I’ve just finished a major project using acrylic and mixed media. When I don’t have a specific project I’m working on but I still want to keep creating, I do something I love. Lately I’ve been enjoying ink and collage, so I’m putting the two together here.
In this demo I show you how I play and experiment with shapes, marks and textures. I explore what it is I’m doing and why. Sometimes bits of these collages find their way into my other artwork.
I am on a mission to help artists find their own unique voice and make exciting, original artwork that is truly unique. If this sounds exciting, join my weekly artist's newsletter at louisefletcherart.com/contact
Each week, I share tips, tricks, advice, and inspiration to help you take your art to the next level.
You can also find me:
My artist community: louisefletcherart.com/art-tribe
On Facebook at facebook.com/louisefletcherart
On Instagram at instagram.com/louisefletcher_art
And on my podcast at: louisefletcherart.com/for-artists/podcast/
- Demo - Playing with Ink and Collage ( Download)
- Abstract Painting Demo - Working with Ink and Mixed Media ( Download)
- Expressive Abstract Painting / Acrylics/ Demo ( Download)
- Playing with ink & collage ( Download)
- College Ink Demo ( Download)
- College Ink Demo ( Download)
- 5 TOP TIPS for TRANSFER TECHNIQUES essential for any INK COLLAGE/sketchbook [gold leaf] ( Download)
- Inspired by ...... John Piper Collage with pen and ink ( Download)
- Demo in moving paper with ink ( Download)
- Art Techniques for Everyone: Collage with Ink Jet Transfers ( Download)
- Mixed Media Realtime Sketchbook Exploration. Collage, paint pencil and ink ( Download)
- Sumi-e: The Art of Japanese Ink Painting by Shozo Sato ( Download)
- Faces made easy: Using acrylic ink and collage to master loose portraits. ( Download)
- Mixed media art collage silicone stencil ranger ink ( Download)
- Memory as Muse: Letting Go of Detail. Collage & Ink. ( Download)