Since 1974 Seibt searches for solutions and alternatives that stimulate progress with respect to natural resources. A history of success; recycling ideas for a more intelligent future.
Located in Nova Petrópolis city in Rio Grande do Sul, Seibt provides machines and equipment for plastic recovery either pre or post consumption processes.
Produces complete recycling system in addition to medium and low rotation for the reuse of waste, parings and general plastics scrap. Designed with the highest technology to offer maximum eficiency and productivity according to each specified need of its clients.
This guarantees the best quality of the processed material. There are more than 50 different models of machines and equipment, between griding mills and shredders, in addition to agglomerators extruders, perforators, exhaustors, silos, conveyor belts and screw; complete plastic recycling sistem lines and effluent treatmentplant. All developed to improve your business productivity.
- SEIBT 2022 ( Download)
- Linha TF - Seibt Máquinas para Plásticos ( Download)
- EXTRUSORA ES90 | Seibt Máquinas ( Download)
- SEIBT Máquinas para Plásticos ( Download)
- Sistema de Reciclagem PET | Etapas do processo de reciclagem | Seibt Máquinas ( Download)
- Sistema de Reciclagem PET | 1500 KG H | Seibt Máquinas ( Download)
- Sistema de Reciclagem PE/PP | Frascos Rígidos 500kg/h | Seibt Máquinas ( Download)
- Sistema de Reciclagem PET | Lavagem a quente | 1500 KG H | Seibt Máquinas ( Download)
- Moinho para Termoformados | Termoforming Crusher | Seibt Máquinas ( Download)
- NUESTROS CLIENTES: Plásticos Macol - Vídeo Institucional ( Download)
- Institucional - IPEMAQ ( Download)
- Vídeo institucional Micronipol ( Download)
- Natigam - Montagem maquina em TimeLapse ( Download)
- Vídeo Institucional Fitebaldi Reciclagem de Plásticos ( Download)