Ingles Para Esa Aula 08 Comparativo E Superlativo Em Ingles Exercicios

Curso de Inglês preparatório para ESA: Aula 08 - Comparativo e Superlativo em Inglês + questões de prova.

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Questão 01: (EEAr 2019/2)

But the latest eruption took volcanologists by surprise.

The word “latest” underlined in the text is ___________.

a) a reflexive pronoun

b) a superlative

c) an auxiliary

d) a noun


Questão 02: (EEAr 2019/2)

The expression “most sensational”, in the cartoon, is being used as

a) comparative adjective.

b) superlative adjective.

c) preposition.

d) adverb.


Questão 03: (EEAr 2018/2)

The adjective “healthier”, underlined in the text, is a ____________.

a) superlative

b) comparative of equality

c) comparative of inferiority

d) comparative of superiority


Questão 04: (EEAr 2018/1)

“I find the easiest way to expand my vocabulary is to make up words.”

The underlined word in the cartoon implies an idea of:

a) comparative adjectives

b) superlative adjectives

c) comparisons

d) adverb